Red Triangle [Los Angeles Corporate Portraits]



Clients always like to know who they are doing business with. They desire to put a face with a .com. It instills confidence in the client, and demonstrates that you, as a business owner, are not afraid to step out and stand behind your brand.

Red Triangle Inc. recently embraced this thinking and commissioned headshot portraits of themselves for their evolving business. This particular session was staged at one of their residences, and we worked to be creative with the residential surroundings, which were actually quite vibrant and full of color. I always like to include an interesting background and experiment with posing, something that will bring out personality and put a client at ease. During the shoot, we talked a lot about what makes a pleasing photograph, and how difficult it can be to sometimes let your guard down and be yourself in front of the camera. As always, the best pictures are snapped when the client does what feels natural to them -- laugh, smile, be serious -- be you!

Red Triangle specializes in problem solving and consultation. They are also developing some viable self-publishing solutions for writers looking to realize their work in print. I'd like to thank them for the session and their good nature, as well as our mutual friend, Barbara, for introducing us and recommending me for the assignment.

And soon enough, I'll be uploading my own picture. Practice what you preach, right?