The Towner Family [Manhattan Beach Family Portraits]
Another awesome session to share, this time with the wonderful Towner family. What made this portrait shoot particularly unique, was the layering of celebration. First and foremost, we set out to capture some professional, yet playful, pictures of Dylan, soon to be five, and eight month old baby Max. On top of that, parents Renata and Kevin scheduled this session to fall on the day of their sixth wedding anniversary. When Renata originally proposed this idea, I just loved it, and was honored. What a fun and creative way to spend your anniversary and celebrate your growth as a couple into a family. And just when I thought the session couldn't be any more charmed, Kevin arranged for me to frame a few select images as a surprise Mother's Day gift for the following weekend.
This is photo multitasking at its best!
Our first stop was Polliwog Park in Manhattan Beach, a great place to hang out, relax, and escape the big city for some green. Dylan took an energetic lead on posing, helping his little brother get into the act. It's always fun to see just how excited and curious kids get about picture taking. Posing for formal pictures isn't high on any tot's list, so you best be quick, snap the shots while you can, and then let the little ones blast off into true kid mode: running, jumping, playing, and sure, even crying. Often, I think these crazy moments make the best shots!
Our session concluded with a visit to the beach, a time to frolic in the sand and reflect on the surf. At one point, Renata and Kevin stepped aside for a picture of their own, and I'm so glad they found a quiet pause amongst all the energy for themselves. The moment made for a couple of my most favorite pictures of the day.
Renata and Kevin: Congratulations again on your anniversary. And thanks for inviting me to share a bit of the day with you! Here's a fraction of the many images we took. Tune in later this week for a slideshow to catch many more!