Amanda + Marcus [Santa Monica Pier Wedding]



Cold Feet: it's easy to understand at a time like this. You head down that aisle, floating on a pulse of anxiety and anticipation. You assume your position at the forefront, turn in an eager about-face.... looking back down The Mile from which you came. For a few anxious moments, you wait. And then... a hint of commotion... all heads turn, the adrenaline pings... and here she comes...

... The carriage squeals up beside you, seats beckoning as you clamor aboard, buckles and clamps seizing your waist. A flash later, your zipping through the night sky like a bat outta bedlam on Santa Monica Pier's trademark roller coaster. An hour ago, I was scoping out the best angle on a cupcake tier, and now, I find myself soaring 60 feet above the Pacific, the phantoms of weightlessness tugging my Canon up as I plunge down -- yes, a camera in motion tends to stay in motion -- firing my shutter into the chaos of light and shadow like a frenetic Rambo sequel, and loving every second of it.

See, I can probably count on one hand (minus a thumb and a pinky) the number of times I've braved a roller coaster. A big baby I may be, but when a bride and groom want to capture their day like no other, I'm there! From our high flying night cap, to our whirls on the merry-go-round, to the never-to-be topped Family-Ties-Theme-Segueing-Into-Thriller first dance, this was the wedding to be at that Saturday night. Amanda and Marcus wed before the glow of the Santa Monica Carousel, and everything couldn't have felt more at home. What a privilege it was to be part of their wedding, to share in their humor and love for life, and to scream in unison amongst the stars at all life has to offer.