Joy + Chai [The Getty Center Engagement]
The Getty Center, Los Angeles is an amazing feast for the eyes. I arrived a couple hours prior to our scheduled session to scope out this architectural wonder, only to realize 120 minutes later that I had covered relatively little ground, and my brain was hopping like a pot boiling over with all the ideas I wanted to try out. With so much wonderful space to work with, where to begin?! In any given direction, there's incredible lines and forms, lush gardens ripe with color, and then you go and add two sweet souls like Chai & Joy to the mix, and you've got all the coveted ingredients that would give the infamous Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe a run for its poultry. It's just that yummy, Colonel!
My biggest concern with shooting at the Getty was being asked by security to cease photography and then having our session cut short. I don't think that engagement or portrait photography is necessarily forbidden at the Getty, but I've read of this hiccup happening a few times to fellow photographers. So, the three of us did what any self-respecting people would do to remain discreet: I holstered two cameras, and Chai & Joy sported a bright red parasol (us photogs love parasols), a tasty cupcake (Chai's favorite), a long stemmed rose (no, we didn't pick it from the gardens), and a change of wardrobe -- all of which I fully encouraged, and happily, none of which caused us any undue attention or disruption. We were respectful of the space and had a wonderful day.
Chai and Joy, thank you so much for being such great sports while we explored every nook and cranny we could before the sun set down. Your energy and enthusiasm are to be admired, and I can not wait to resume our time together in May at your wedding!