The Sweeney Family [Malaga Cove Family Portraits]
Before each shoot, I'll pull out a piece of paper and scribble down some inspirations for images. Poses. Compositions. Loose sketches to warm up the noggin and start thinking through a lens. A handful of these ideas will come to fruition during the shoot, but the spontaneity of a session is always king, and it's best to let that energy lead you where it may. This is especially true when photographing the little ones. Preconceived poses? Hah! Tots call the shots. Child runs on sand, I follow. Child runs in water, I follow, too. And while I might be able to negotiate a pause or pose here and there, embracing the unanticipated is what makes these outdoor children's sessions so rewarding.
I met two-year old "C" and her parents at Malaga Cove, Palos Verdes. A short hike down the hill brings you to this cozy nook of a beach, which opens up to an expanse of tidal pools and first class seats to a California sunset. "C" was mesmerized by the ocean, and this session would make for the second time I would return home from a beach shoot with water-logged shoes -- no regrets, but I better start bringing flippers! After some play time on the sand, we graduated to the grassy bluffs above the beach to enjoy the last pinch of sun before it dozed away.
The coming months are going to peppered with engagements and weddings -- including one up in San Francisco in May -- so a big thanks to "C" and family for letting me change gears here and spend the afternoon with you!